8. Due diligence process

3 min. readlast update: 07.29.2024

8.1 What is due diligence?

Due diligence is a comprehensive appraisal process undertaken by a potential buyer to assess the value and risks associated with acquiring a game. This process involves a thorough investigation and evaluation of all aspects of the game, including financial records, legal status, technical performance, and market potential.

The goal is to ensure that the buyer has a complete and accurate understanding of what they are acquiring, minimizing risks and enabling informed decision-making.


8.2 How to pass this stage?

To successfully navigate the due diligence stage, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare documentation:
    • Financial records: Gather all relevant financial documents, including revenue reports, expense statements, and any financial projections.
    • Technical documentation: Provide detailed technical documentation of the game, including source code, development notes, and system architecture.
    • Legal documents: Compile all legal documents related to the game, such as intellectual property registrations, licensing agreements, and any pending legal issues.
    • Market and user data: Share any market analysis reports, user engagement metrics, and feedback that can help illustrate the game’s market position and potential.

     2. Organize information:

    • Ensure that all documentation is well-organized and easy to access. Consider using a secure virtual data room to share these documents with Gamehaap.

     3. Transparent communication:

    • Communicate openly and transparently with Gamehaap. Address any questions or concerns we relay from the potential buyer promptly and honestly.

     4. Review and address issues:

    • If any issues are identified during the due diligence process, work with Gamehaap to address and resolve these concerns. This may involve providing additional information or making necessary adjustments.


8.3 How does Gamehaap assist in this step?

Gamehaap provides extensive support to sellers during the due diligence process:

  • Guidance and checklists:
    • Gamehaap offers detailed checklists and guidelines to help sellers prepare for due diligence. These resources ensure that you know what documents and information are required and how to present them effectively.
  • Secure data rooms:
    • Gamehaap provides secure virtual data rooms where you can upload and share documents. These data rooms ensure that sensitive information is protected and only accessible to authorized parties.
  • Expert assistance:
    • Our team of experts is available to assist you throughout the due diligence process. We help organize your documentation, answer questions from potential buyers relayed through Gamehaap, and address any concerns that arise.
  • Facilitation and mediation:
    • Gamehaap manages all communication between you and the buyer, ensuring smooth and clear interactions. We mediate any disputes or issues that may arise, ensuring that the process remains on track.
  • Legal consultation:
    • While Gamehaap strives to manage the process efficiently for both parties, we recommend consulting with your local lawyers for additional legal advice and assurance. This ensures that you are fully protected and compliant with local regulations.


By following these steps and leveraging Gamehaap’s support, you can effectively manage the due diligence stage, paving the way for a successful acquisition of your game.



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