5. Making an offer (LOI - Letter of Intent)

3 min. readlast update: 08.02.2024

5.1 How to pass this stage

To make a formal offer and pass the LOI stage, follow these steps:

  1. Review detailed information:
    • Thoroughly review the detailed game information provided after signing the NDA. Evaluate the game’s financial performance, technical specifications, and market potential.

     2. Consult advisors:

    • Consult with your legal, financial, and technical advisors to ensure you have a complete understanding of the game’s value and any potential risks.

     3. Draft the LOI:

    • Draft a Letter of Intent (LOI) outlining your proposed terms for the acquisition. Key components of an LOI typically include:
      • Purchase price: The amount you propose to pay for the game.
      • Payment terms: How and when the payment will be made.
      • Due diligence: Any conditions related to the due diligence process.
      • Confidentiality: Confirmation of confidentiality terms.
      • Exclusivity period: A timeframe during which the seller cannot negotiate with other potential buyers.
      • Closing date: The proposed date for finalizing the transaction.

     4. Submit the LOI:

    • Submit the LOI to Gamehaap support, who will then forward it to the seller for consideration.

     5. Negotiate terms:

    • Be prepared to negotiate the terms of the LOI with the seller. This may involve adjustments to the purchase price, payment terms, or other conditions.

     6. Final agreement:

    • Once both parties agree on the terms, finalize and sign the LOI. This indicates a mutual intention to proceed with the acquisition under the outlined terms.


5.2 How does Gamehaap assist in this step?

Gamehaap provides extensive support to facilitate the LOI process:

  • Template provision:
    • Gamehaap offers LOI templates to help you draft a comprehensive and legally sound document. These templates ensure all critical elements are included.
  • Expert guidance:
    • Our team of experts is available to provide guidance on drafting the LOI, including advice on market standards and best practices.
  • Facilitation of communication:
    • Gamehaap acts as an intermediary, facilitating all communications between you and the seller during the LOI stage. This ensures that discussions remain professional and focused.
  • Negotiation support:
    • Gamehaap assists in the negotiation process, helping both parties reach a mutually agreeable set of terms. Our expertise ensures that negotiations are fair and productive.
  • Legal assistance:
    • While Gamehaap provides guidance and templates, we also recommend consulting with your legal advisor to review the LOI. This ensures that all legal aspects are thoroughly addressed and your interests are protected.


By following these steps and leveraging Gamehaap’s support, you can effectively draft and submit an LOI, moving one step closer to acquiring your desired game.



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